Planning & Zoning Info

Fort Morgan Planning & Zoning Advisory Committee

The Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee was established in 2015 by an act of the Alabama State Legislature. Its purpose shall be to make recommendations to the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments concerning any proposed changes to zoning ordinances or regulations or the master plan, or variances thereto, related to the Fort Morgan Zoning District 25.

Advisory Committee Members (2024)
  • Michael Ludvigsen (Chair)
  • Thelma Strong
  • Renee Hicks
  • Nicole March
  • Randy Ulrich

The Fort Morgan Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee will post here all re-zoning and variance request notices received from the county planning and zoning department. In most cases, these notices are received about 10 days before the county planning and zoning commission meeting. Notice of the request is also posted on the property involved and the county mails specific advisories to adjacent landowners.

How You Should Participate In The Planning And Zoning Process

When a request for re-zoning or variance is received from the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department, the application packet is posted here and will be considered by our advisory committee at a date and location to be determined. As sign space is available, a P&Z notice will also be posted on the VFD sign at Fire Station #1. The County will also post a sign on the property with the number of the case file.

If members are interested in a particular case, they can review the application package that is posted below by clicking on the link to that case file. Anyone with strong feelings for or against a particular zoning case should attend the Ft Morgan Advisory Committee meeting and register to speak. Following discussions, advisory committee members vote on the case and make a recommendation for or against approval to the Baldwin County Planning and Zoning Department. The county sends the case to either the Board of Adjustment or the Planning and Zoning Commission for a final vote. Interested parties are also welcome to register and speak at these county level meetings.

A schedule of County Commission meetings can be found on the Baldwin County Website.

View District 25 Planning & Zoning Map

All Public Notices and Documents for Planning & Zoning Committee and Board of Adjustment can be found here.